The NanoCentre Serbia (NCS) is established by
Decision »
of The Government of the Republic of Serbia on 25.08.2013.
as a Shared Facility to provide services to academic, research and
industry users from Serbia and neighboring countries interested in
micro- and nano-fabrication, characterization and synthesis of
materials. The laboratory and production infrastructures are
organized efficiently and fit into the European Research Area (ERA)
roadmap and European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructure
(ESFRI). The facilities are accessible to all registered users upon
completion of compulsory basic training.
The construction of the building of the NanoCentre Serbia on Block
39 is foreseen to be finished by the end of 2015. In the period from
October 2013 to the end of 2015, as the transitional phase, the
NanoCentre Serbia started its activity at the premises of the
Science and Technology Park Zvezdara.
The on-line reservation system is available for equipment, together
with the information regarding the schedule and the current users.
Use of the facilities is subject to a fee.
The NCS hires the minimal number of staff members needed for the
users’ training program and the facility maintenance.
To provide
access to the core research facilities needed for the
realization of the national and international scientific and
technological projects in areas of nanosciences, novel materials
research, physics, chemistry and life sciences, as well as to
assure an efficient long-term development according to the needs
of the scientific community.
To promote
excellence in multi-disciplinary research, education and
training in fabrication, characterization and modeling of
Participant Identification Code
(PIC) 949839715 |